Monday 19 December 2016

Nativity 1

In this season we find ourselves telling the Christmas story often - and that is great. It is a massive thing that God came to this earth in the person of Jesus. It needs to be told time and time again.

We act it out, we watch it on film and we make, in various mediums, depictions of the nativity. Indeed, one custom which seems to be developing is the mounting of a display of different depictions of the nativity, often drawn from different cultures.

I like that. I think it helps us to reflect on the story. This photograph is of a olive wood carving of a stable scene which I bought when I was in the Holy Land during Advent 2011. I like the palm tree, which serves to remind me that God engages with all sorts of different cultures in all sorts of different places. I also like the star, which I see as a reminder of Jesus as the Light of the World.

What is the Christmas story saying to you today? And can you share that wonderful story?

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