Thursday 19 June 2008

Where is peace?

Yeserday evening prayers here at Corrymeela were led by Gordon Gray, a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church who has been associated with Corrymeela since its beginning. He spoke of his frustration that those who have worked long for peace have, in some ways, been bypassed in the recognition of what has been achieved. The perpetraors of violence have come in, achieved peace, and been praised for it. Does peace have to be brought about by those at the extemes? It is annoying, to say the least, to think it may be so. Of course, we all welcome what has been achieved, but it seems unfair that the long efforts of some seem unproductive and have not received recognition. On the broader spectrum that raises questions as to how we recognise and receive the contributions of those who have been long assoiciated with something, say a church, and those who are new. Sometimes it is difficult to accept that all are valued equally by God - but that is how it is!

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