Saturday, 14 June 2008


There is no doubt that there is a great interest in spirituality these days which needs to be juxtaposed with declining church involvement. "While only a tiny minority of people continue to practise formal religion in the developed nations of the world, huge numbers are keenly pursuing spirituality and individual pathways to sacred meaning" - David Tacey in The Spirituality Revolution (Routledge, 2004) p. 39. So how can we engage with this? It is true that a lot of it is nowhere near orthodox Christianity - but plenty of it is, or could be. I think that people do recognise their need of a spiritual dimension. They are just unsure as to how to relate that to conventional church. It is good that people have spiritual awareness - we need to make the most of it, and to encourage it. I think a lot of it is meeting people where they are - which is what Jesus did - instead of insisting that they come to us, and on our terms at that.

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