Thursday 5 June 2008

Find Out What God's Doing

I finished reading Steve Stockman's "Walk On" (Relevant Books, 2005) today - and was struck by a comment near the end. The book explores the spirituality of U2 and a lot of it focusses on Bono. Near the end of the book - p. 205 - he quotes how Bono "recalled one pastor's recent advice: 'Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Find out what God's doing. It's already blessed.'" Good advice, but needed advice. I think that the church is quite good at making plans and then asking God's blessing on the particular idea of the moment. We forget that the initiative lies with God. And I do like the notion that, if we find out what God is doing, 'it's already blessed"! The church needs to learn to mean it when it asks for God's guidance. It also needs to recognise that God's activity is not limited to the church. There's a lot happening out there that God's doing. Are we interested in getting involved?

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