Wednesday 25 March 2020

Online Church

There has been a lot of talk about online church over the past few years. Suddenly, we find ourselves with not a lot else. That is challenging, but it is also exciting. If coronavirus had happened at the beginning of my ministry, we would all have been a lot more isolated as the range of media by which we communicate these days was simply not there. I am not sure that I will ever reach the point when I don't feel that I would rather 'be' with people, but, when there's no choice, there's a lot to be said for all the online and social media possibilities, and it is great to see the creative ways in which so many are addressing the current challenging situation.

Quite a while ago now, I read someone's suggestion that you ought to be able to put your sermon in a tweet. I may even have blogged about it previously - I haven't checked. However, that is something I usually do if I am preaching. Now I need to find something else to tweet about .....

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