Friday 18 October 2019


It is now a couple of weeks since I went to hear Bishop Michael Curry speak – St. Paul’s Cathedral on 3rd October – and I am just getting to writing a few notes. It was certainly an energetic and challenging address. His mantra is that we are part of the Jesus Movement and that is the message we need to communicate. People don’t get church, but they do get Jesus. We need to live out his life of love, opening ourselves to others. ‘The opposite of love isn’t hatred. It’s self-centredness. The way of love runs counter to selfish instincts.’

I was particularly struck by his response to a question around the political chaos in the UK, in which he noted that we are not alone, as it seems to be a common phenomenon at the moment, and not least shared in the USA. Asked what he thought God would say, he responded by saying that he thought that God wants to tell us that ‘we can do better’.

Another very key quote was around Jesus’ inclusivity – ‘If bigotry is your game, don’t call about Jesus.’ That was a timely and telling reminder, and one to remember.

He also reminded us, ‘Jesus ain’t dead. He’s still in business!’ and commented, ‘He makes me a better me.’ The address was a great reminder that the Jesus Movement is alive and well and has lots to offer to a society that too often chooses to ignore it.

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