Monday 22 February 2016


Saints are often regarded as really special, and so they are - but most saints are also ordinary people. We are all called to be saints and, with God's help, we can manage just that. 

During Lent I am reading Graham James's "The Lent Factor" in which he shares the stories of forty people whom he has found to have something really helpful say through how they lived. He makes the point that we all have our part to play - whatever it is that God has called us to do. Saints are special, but they are not perfect. He comments: "I recall one definition of a saint as 'someone in Christian history whose life has been insufficiently researched.' That's a reminder that saints are also sinners like the rest of us. Those who inspire faith in others, or lead us to want to imitate their best qualities, are not without blemish. " 

In other words, you are a saint! We all are special and we can also do stuff for God.

And wouldn't it be interesting to make our own list of forty people, some known to us personally, others not so known, but all folk who have really inspired us?

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