Sunday 14 November 2010

Big Pictures, Little Pictures & Bandwagons

Thank God for those who, like Desmond Tutu, have engaged with the evils and challenges of racism. Thank God for those who, like Mother Teresa, have been ready to care for the desperately poor. Thank God for those who, like William Wilberforce, were willing to challenge the very fabric of society and contribute towards essential change.
But, though most of us won’t reach such dizzy heights, that doesn’t mean we are not to bother about such things. All the little bits that we can do build into things that can really make a difference. There is still a long way to go but movements like Jubilee 2000, Make Poverty History and Fair Trade have done a lot of good. And it is not just because someone has had a vision, important though that was. It is because lots and lots of people have jumped on the bandwagon.
Don’t be afraid of jumping on bandwagons. Just make sure you are on the right one.

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