Monday 16 February 2009

Come Over To Macedonia

In Acts 16:9 we have recorded a vision received by the apostle Paul in which he saw an appeal for help - "Come over to Macedonia and help us!" I am intrigued - and challenged - by Paul's response which is desribed in the following verse: "As soon as Paul had this vision, we got ready to leave for Macedonia, because we decided that God had called us to preach the Good News to the people there." I can't help wondering how that compares to the responses that we sometimes offer to God's call. Mind you, a reluctant response is certainly in line with how many of those whose stories in the Bible reacted. Jonah actually set off in the opposite direction. Moses tried his hardest to convince God that he wasn't the right person. Isaiah and Peter were both unconvinced that they were sufficiently worthy. But even these reluctant characters ended up doing that to which they were called. How about you - and me?

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