Wednesday 6 August 2008

Nobodies to Somebodies

Critical to our Christian understanding is that everybody matters - and church life ought to reflect that we value everyone. I have been reading Walter Brueggemann's "David's Truth" (Fortress Press, 1985) in which he makes the point about how David emerged from nowhere to greatness, talking about "David's move from a nobody to a royal somebody". (p. 20). "David the outsider without any claim moves quickly and relntlessly to the throne and to the social legitimacy that of course goes with it. .... The erstwhile bandit is now the ruler of the day." It is also relevant, as Brueggemann points out, that the 'nobody', more than likely, will attract other nobodies - "David is indeed the renegade who attracts other renegades and "nonpersons" to himself. His movement thus is politically doubtful and surely subversive." (p. 22). How willing are our churches to welcome renegades? How subversive are we? How clearly do we express that God values everyone? Interesting - and challenging - questions!

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