Wednesday 27 August 2008

Changing Treasure

That the church is special is fundamental to God's understanding of it. We may not be perfect, but we are loved by God. We ought to take that into account ourselves. We also ought to see ourselves as part of a changing scene. Writing about the Corrymeela story in his book "In War and Peace" Alf McCreary quotes Ray Davey, the founder of the Corrymeela Community, as saying: "We must always recognise that there is nothing sacred about the particular form of the Church at any particular time. It varies from age to age and from place to place. Indeed 'we have this treasure in earthen vessels' - one remaining constant, while the other changes from one generation to another. We need to always be looking to what God would have us do and where God would have us be, recognising that there is a special place just for us.

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