Sunday 10 May 2020

The Jesus We Follow

Who are we in Christ? It's a big question, well worth pondering. We, who try to follow Jesus, have good reason for doing so, but it is worth reflecting on what kind of person it is that we are trying to follow. What are some of the things he did? How might we copy them? How close to, or far away from, the things for which he stood are we? As his disciples, surely we want to follow his example.

What are the characteristics of Jesus? What are the typical events at which he was present? What are the ways in which he provoked action and reaction? Of course, there are countless ways in which we can approach this subject. One good one would be to read a gospel, any gospel, and we might keep that in mind. For this week, I want to take six quick looks, one on each of the next six days, at things we might say about what Jesus did, and ho we, today, can take up the call to follow his example, and so be his Body, here on earth.

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