Monday 27 February 2012

Like A Goat

As part of my Lenten stuff I am working through Richard Rohr's Wondrous Encounters which offers reflections and Bible readings for each day of Lent.  The day's material ends with what Rohr describes as a 'starter prayer', just a sentence or two to get you praying.  I think it is a great idea and there are some amazingly helpful concepts in the few such starter prayers with which I have already engaged.

Today's Gospel passage comes from Matthew 25 and reflects the 'when I needed a neighbour' concept but is set, of course, in the context of the saying about separating the sheep from the goats - and I just love the starter prayer, which hits a profound truth - "Loving God, allow me to be a sheep at least once in a while, and never let me forget that most of my life I have been a goat."

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