Tuesday 17 March 2009

Undisciplined Abundance

Allan Boesak has a sermon by that name in his book "The Fire Within" (Wild Goose Publications, 2007). The sermon is based on the Parable of the Sower and the reckless generosity of God portrayed by the parable's central character. Boesak challenges our conventional explanations about the different types of ground. He says: "And God sows, with exuberant generosity, with unalloyed, wasteful joy, with undisciplined abundance, in the hope that some seed will fall on fertile ground, yield something, so that God's Word will not return empty." I think we need to learn to be more random in being the church. We tend to focus on being targeted. We want everything to count and to produce results. There is probably nothing wrong with wanting that - it is just not likely to happen. We need to learn, instead, to throw the Gospel around, realising that some won't hit the target - but lots will.

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